40 years

result from a well informed and matured projectual exercise. In shaping space and defining environments I underline the effective integration of all disciplines that contribute to the synthesis of architecture, either with regard to passive solutions, particularly in the context of the proposals' sustainability, energy costs and the proper appropriation and interaction of resources, structures and materials, or in regard to active solutions of a technological nature, streamlining, harmonizing and minimizing the impacts of the various systems which contribute to the construction.

By leading the teams that I constituted at singular and delicate interventions or at large scale and wide complexity operations, in partnerships adjusted to each case with other offices, technicians and consultants, and by coordinating the many concerned disciplines, the constant budget and technological measurement of proposed solutions and the keen and meticulous monitoring of construction processes,

construction processes, have been giving high quality outcomes parallel to a stable and continuous commercial relationship. In a world rapidly changing, with increasingly scarce and precious resources and with standards of performance and effectiveness of increasing demand, it is time for new and broader challenges... "

           Antonio Barreiros Ferreira

Antonio Barreiros Ferreira | Tetractys Arquitectos